Credit card transactions may be declined for several reasons. To determine the reason for a decline, you can review the transaction response from your VacationRentPayment Gateway system account.
To review the details of a transaction:
- Log into the VacationRentPayment platform
- From the Main Menu, click the ‘Guest Search’ link
- Enter the guest’s name or use one of the many search options contained in the ‘Advanced Search’ filed and click ‘Search Guests
- This will take you to the guest’s profile page where you can view payment TRANSFER LOGS information. On the Transfer Logs, under Authorization you can see the reason for the payment decline.
Below is a list with information about common decline messages:
Declined (Do not honor & Insufficient Funds)
Insufficient Funds is one of the most common declined reason and card issuers will often default to “Do Not Honor” for declines.
Declined (AVS Mismatch)
This means the transaction was declined due to the Address Verification Service (AVS) results. AVS compares the billing address provided in a transaction with the cardholder's address on file at the credit card issuing bank.
Declined (CCV Mismatch)
This means the transaction was declined due to the Card Code Verification (CCV) results. CCV compares the card code provided in a transaction with the card code on file at the credit card issuing bank.