There are many reasons why your card may have been declined, such as: your card information was incorrectly entered, your card limit was reached, the billing address provided is incorrect, etc. Most card decline decisions are made by your card-issuing bank.
When a payment is not accepted, first verify the payment details you provided, make sure your billing details are accurate and match the information registered with your bank or credit card company (usually this is where your bank mails statements). Additional questions should first be directed to the bank that issued your card.
If the bank confirms that it approved the payment, and you have the funds available in your account for the transaction in question, please proceed to rebook your reservation through the booking partners website. Should you need to make additional payments to an existing booking and require a new payment link please contact the Vacation Rental Company directly. Their contact details are usually available on the reservation confirmation you received when you booked the property.
For additional support you can contact Yapstone by clicking here.